Same stuffed penguin. These pictures are taken a month apart. Oh the bars you see on the side of the big Tyler picture are the bars on his new big boy crib. Not only are we working on feeding, but we are also trying to simulate a more home like situation. That way when he does come home, hopefully he won't be complete stressed out. Ben will bring up the mobile and a crib mirror for him to put in this crib so his home crib will be more familiar quicker.
I've also put Tyler in a bouncy chair for about 20 minutes today. So far it wasn't his favorite thing. But he tolerated it well with his oxygen saturation and let me know when he wanted out by fussing. I have also held him on my shoulder so he can look around. He has very good control over his neck and head for someone who isn't suppose to be born yet. He can lift his head up for very short periods of time to move it side to side or just to look around. He was fascinated looking out the window at dusk tonight.
His motions and movements are becoming much more fluid and purposeful. And his hunger cues are quite obvious. With any luck we may be looking to bring him home around his due date.
What a difference! He looks so good and the tone of your blog post is so happy that it gave me shivers.
Enjoy all of this and keep up the good work.
OK, those penguin pictures are shocking! Go Tyler!
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