Do not, under any circumstances expose Tyler's bum. EVER!
In addition to the "First projectile pooped on dad" milestone we also crossed the 1 month barrier. Today is day 31 of life it is also the first day of gestational week 33! Today's weight is 1735 or 3lbs. 14 oz. just about 1 pound above birth weight. Tyler had an eye-exam yesterday that result came back immature (as expected). They will re-check in a week or two.
They just rolled Tyler out for his follow-up head MRI. They wrap him up in a little strait-jacket (Looks like a little blue burrito) and replace all of his monitors and respiratory with non-ferrous(not magnetic) versions. They tell me he should be back in 10 minutes. Hopefully we'll have the results today.
1 comment:
Hey guys, I just found out that my college roommate, Hope, was 2 lbs, 14 oz., born at 29 weeks. And she's the smartest person I know (except the Aprils). So start reading that boy some quantum physics. Maybe he'll use it to improve his poop aim.
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