Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Going Home (Just the parents this time)

Tyler is doing well, he is growing about 45 grams a day (about 1.5 oz.) Most of his growth curves are right on the line. His head circumference is up .5 cm (slightly more than 1/8") but that has been stable for 5 days so it is well within normal growth. His head even looks less swollen today. We were greeted today by a wide-eyed little boy.

The Quick-Brain MRI came back yesterday and the Neurosurgeon says we're still at a place we like to call "about the same". If we were to wake up in "Significantly Smaller" or "Perfect" we would be even ecstatic. As long as we stay out of the larger end of town we are going to continue to monitor at least until he has reached the age and size where they are more comfortable doing surgery on him. Everyone has the hope that he won't need a Shunt, but the odds of that vary greatly depending who you ask.

We are going to head to Amherst today for a few days. Life in a NICU takes a lot out of you. Even with all of our successes this trip it is time to get some real sleep again.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I know a little girl who will be VERY HAPPY to see both of you!!
See you in awhile!