Friday, May 14, 2010

We are going to owe PICU a new rug.

Tyler has eaten dinner. Apple sauce, orange Jello, and playing with carrots. Then back to the wagon. He spent 2 hours just being pulled around happy as a clam nestled in some pillows (he was a little wobbly this afternoon). He's feed baby, played with the truck, read some books, and basically has eaten all afternoon in this wagon. Now he's pulling the wagon with all the above mentioned around the unit himself pitching a royal fit if we try to help him. And when the he's frustrated he runs to the door screaming "Out, Car, Bye-Bye". Just in case you are wondering which door, it's the one out of the unit itself.

His surgeon just came up and is amazed at how wonderful he looks. He's met all the discharge requirements save the last 2 doses of antibiotics he needs. So with any luck in the morning we can open that door for him. We are just letting him run around the unit to wear himself out so hopefully bedtime will be easy for him. We've got about another hour to hour and 1/2 to go.

Oh, the flirt has been turned on. He is a little cautious, but if he deems someone safe, it's all flirt.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Hopefully he'll let you stay a little longer than 24 hours - could be a dark ride home! When is his last dose of antibiotics?