Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moment to moment

I would love to say that everything has turned out fine from the last shunt revision. In many ways things are fine. He's for the most part happy and running around talking up a storm. There isn't a playground he won't climb all over and give me mini heart attacks near the open areas. We are hearing another explosion in his communication skills. He's requesting things and using 2 to 3 word phrases now. But he get sleepy too often and isn't sleeping well at night. His eating and drinking has dramatically slowed down over the 2 or so days. And that annoying eye is more turned out today.

I called Neurosurgery today. After a few phone conversations we decided that he doesn't need to be rushed up to ED tonight. We are to stop giving him food and milk at midnight. At 6am he can have some apple juice before we hit the road for the Emerald City. At 830 we take another ride in the MRI machine. Then around 10am we will meet with his surgeon to discuss what the MRI shows. After that I really can't say what will happen. My "mommy gut" says we will be admitted. I can't tell if it's to treat an infection to which we don't have a fever or to revise the shunt. I will do my best to shoot off an email when I can to let everyone know. I'm packing a 2 night bag just in case. The kicker is Ben leaves for Ireland on Saturday. That will show me for being a playful jealous wench because I couldn't go.

The last picture is hard to look at. It's a picture of the bump under the incision filled with fluid. It sticks about 1 + off the back of his head. These were all just taken.

1 comment:

Anne said...

He is such a cute kid - hopefully he just needs to flirt a little with his ladies in the Emerald City!