Tyler is sleeping comfortable and soundly. Let's start off by saying Tyler isn't showing any signs of an infection. He's happily eating/drinking and very active. No fever or any signs of pain. We just needed to figure out why the hair around his incision gets damp and crusty.
He was admitted into pedi, partial by my request. There are toys and a larger area to walk in pedi than in PICU. With him so active and happy, well let's just say this is the better choice at the moment. Neurosurgery tapped his shunt bump to pull some fluid out. It's being cultured at the moment. We are all hoping for negative. As a precaution they have Tyler on 3 different antibiotics. He hasn't had this much "gun" since he was septic back in the ICN. Because we are talking about a possible infection to the brain they are hitting him with everything to play it safe. He's be on the IV now for about 2 hours and he'll need another 20 mins or so before the his first multi dose is done. But he's not on extra fluids and he's sleeping free of a monitor tonight. He'll have checks done and midnight and at 4am. I'll give him a bottle at 4am because he will be NPO at 5am.
If the culture comes back negative, not having food will be merely an inconvenience. We will be able to finish the antibiotic and maybe need to have a stitch or two put in to hedge against farther leakage. We will be able to go home after the course of antibiotics are done. If the culture is positive, we will be here for a while. That means there is an infection in the fluid around his brain. They will rush him to surgery tomorrow and take out the shunt and install an external drain. The shunt will harbor any infection no matter how long he's on antibiotics. He'll be on the big guns for close to 2 weeks with the external drain. After they decide he's infection clear, he'll go back to the OR to get another shunt. It could be over 3 weeks before we can come home if that culture is positive. So everyone say a prayer, thought, or dance please.
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