Saturday, April 26, 2008

A blissfully boring Day

There still aren't any changes with baby's or my vital signs. We are both strong and stable and I still have no contractions. The baby is still very active and gives the nurses a run for their money when they want to put him on the fetal monitor. Typically the nurse or I have to hold the sensor down hard and pin him to keep his heart rate on the monitor for 10 to 20 minutes. He will have his parent's and sister's stubborn and willful attitude.
I'm now off the IV antibiotics and fluids. They took the IV out this morning. I finally can move my wrist around without jabbing myself. I have 5 days of oral antibiotics to go through now. After that, I should be medication free unless complications develop. I'm finding it amazing how much better I physically feel now that I've stabilized here. I didn't realize how horrible I have felt during this whole pregnancy. Again I am reminded how everything happens for a reason. I guess I needed that vacations more than I thought I did.
Thanks to Maine for the use of the magic sweater. I can feel the comforting vibes already.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh, Sharron, I'm so glad you have the-sweater-that-is-older-than-me! (I think there's a rule that you have to call it that.) That's exactly what you need, man.

Hang in there, both of you (all of you!). Buffy the Vampire Slayer will eat up hours and hours of down time - just ask Abby. I think we're missing one season, but when I find it I'll send it to you.

I'm thinking of you all. Let me know if I can do anything at all.
