I had plans to create this post last weekend, but he wasn't feeling well then. So one week late is better than never. November 23rd, Tyler became 6 months old. A half a year has gone by since his rather flashy birth. He is ten pounds over his birth weight and ten inches longer. It's amazing how fast he is growing. Just for comparison sake, I've included the first penguin picture taken mid June, about 3 1/2 weeks old.
Tyler is much better this weekend. Thanksgiving Day is the last time we felt he needed a nebulizer treatment. He is breathing much easier, still a little congestion. Colds can take a week or two to fully clear up. The trick will be not catching a new one.
Today we also went to the New England Aquarium with both Rachel and Tyler. Rachel loved it. She went up to all the tanks and picked out the fish, turtles, crabs, and sharks. Tyler also really seemed to like it. The penugin exibit held his attention and the dark tanks with bright fish also captivated him. He was awake the whole time we were there. Soaking it all in.
Tyler looks wonderful, and huge! Congratulations to all the Aprils. Enjoy the Christmas season - see you soon.
It is almost hard to believe that it is the same penguin.
He looks so good. I can not believe how big he has gotten! He is such a little trooper.
miss you all
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