Tyler has reached 7 pounds now. He eats like a little piggy, between 80 and 100ml a sitting. That is between 3 and 3 1/2 ounces. That is quite a bit for a someone his age and size. We know how much he takes because we give him everything by bottle still. Not how I pictured feeding him, but he gets the best nutritional source I can provide him. He's so used to the bottle now, I don't know if I'll ever get him to nurse naturally again.
His head is healing up great. There is still fluid behind the sutures which makes it look like he has an egg under his skin. It's all spinal fluid that is backing up into the canal the endoscope created to get to the cyst. In time that will heal and stop channeling fluid to the skin and the fluid left under the sutures will absorb. His fontinel is empty and soft. To us that is a good sign that his pathways are unblocked and funneling fluid correctly.
He acts like a normal newborn to us now. He wakes up every 2 to 3 hours and demands to be fed. He will spend quite a bit of time awake looking at things. Loves to look in mirrors. He is starting to give us true smiles now. They don't come everyday, but there have been a few "I'm excited to see you" smiles. The other cool thing he is doing is discovering his hands. If his binky is just out of reach from his mouth, you can see his arms and hands moving trying to figure out how to get it. Also when he's looking at me or his mirror, his arms are reaching towards us. He's entering the time were little subtle discoveries make my day.
Wednesday we head back to Lebanon for a few hours for an eye exam. Hopefully this is the last one he'll need. Then Thursday we meet with Early Intervention for the first visit. We are both rather interested in what they think of Tyler. His developmental milestones will tell us how badly damaged his brain was. So EI and his developmental exams will be closely monitored.
Love those chins and cheeks!!!!
Bring on the EI! This is when Tyler starts showing what he can do and wowing everyone!
The first visit can be dull and filled with you just repeating his story again and again. But it is so nice to have those experts come in and tell you how he is doing all the time. I know it gives us real peace of mind to have expert eyes checking on her every few weeks. They were here today and I still love having their advice.
Glad to hear that he is growing strong and keeping you all awake like a good little baby.
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